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School history

Municipal autonomous institution of additional education " Children’s school of arts. A.V. Korneeva " was established in 1975 By the decision of the Executive Committee of the Podolsk district Council for No. 830/17 item 1 of 11.07.1975. the Name at creation-Shcherbinskaya evening music school. Since 1978-Children’s music school (Decision of the Executive Committee of the Podolsk district Council No. 826/16 of 08.09.1978). Since 1998-Municipal children’s school of arts No. 1 of Shcherbinka (the Resolution of Administration No. 360 of31. 12. 1998).

In 2006, the school was named after Alexander Vasilyevich Korneev in accordance with the Resolution of the head of the city of Shcherbinka No. 107 of 26.02.2006.

Alexander Vasilyevich Korneev

Alexander Vasilyevich Korneev is one of the greatest flutists of our time, a brilliant virtuoso, an artist of bright and original talent. «The Golden flute of Russia» was called A. Korneev in our country and around the world.

In 2006, the Municipal children’s school of arts No. 1 of Shcherbinka was honored to bear the name of A. V. Korneev. During this time, under his chairmanship, 4 interzonal festivals and competitions «Magic flute»were held with great success.

The high level of the festival was noted in the local and all-Russian press. In 2010, the competition «Magic flute» received the status of regional.

Professor A.V. Korneev conducted master classes at MDSHI No. 1, advised students, supported the prestige of the school among the musical community of Moscow and the Moscow region, and hence the prestige of the city of Shcherbinka.
About 30 years worked Korneev A.V. in a Large Symphony orchestra. He is also known as a conductor. As the head of various ensembles repeatedly and with constant success performed in our country and abroad, made records on radio, television, recording companies. Since 1995 A. Korneev has been a soloist of the Moscow state academic Philharmonic.

Selfless devotion to music, energy and bright talent determined the versatility of A. Korneev’s activity. So, the musician successfully combined active concert activity with pedagogical and public works.

A. V. Korneev taught at the Moscow state Conservatory. P. I. Tchaikovsky and the State music and pedagogical Institute. M. M. Ippolitova-Ivanova. Pupils of this magnificent master became laureates of prestigious all-Russian and international competitions. Korneev’s master classes were held in Russian cities, as well as in Japan, Turkey, the USA, Spain, Poland, Malta.

In MDSHI No. 1 of Shcherbinka more than 30 years successfully the teacher Smirnova L. A., the graduate of a class of Professor Korneeva A.V., the head works. orchestra Department, Honorary worker of General education of the Russian Federation. All these years she maintained a very close creative relationship with Professor A. V. Korneev.

The musician has an honorary certificate of Carnegie Hall- «the Best teacher». Under the chairmanship of A.V. Korneev, State examination commissions were held in music universities in Moscow, Ulyanovsk, Nizhny Novgorod, Tolyatti, Ufa, Chelyabinsk, Magnitogorsk.

A.V. Korneev was a Chairman and a member of the jury of international and regional competitions and festivals (Germany, Czech Republic, Malta, St. Petersburg, Moscow, Kazan, Volgograd, Togliatti), a member of the Presidium and Chairman of the section of wind instruments of the International Union of musical figures, a member of the creative unions of composers and theater figures.

Korneyev V. A. awarded the Title «Honored artist of the Russian Federation» (1967), the title «people’s artist of Russia» (1977), laureate of the State prize (1992), Laureate of the Moscow Government prize (1997), Order «badge of honor» 2002 order «Peter the Great» (2006), order «For merits before Fatherland» IV degree (2007).